LXXXVIII. OpenAL Audio Bindings


Platform independent audio bindings. Requires the OpenAL library.


This PECL extension is not bundled with PHP.

Additional information such as new releases, downloads, source files, maintainer information, and a CHANGELOG, can be located here: http://pecl.php.net/package/openal.

You may download this PECL extension DLL from the PHP Downloads page or at http://snaps.php.net/.

Runtime Configuration

This extension has no configuration directives defined in php.ini.

Resource Types

This extension defines four resource types: Open AL(Device) - Returned by openal_device_open(), Open AL(Context) - Returned by openal_context_create(), Open AL(Buffer) - Returned by openal_buffer_create(), and Open AL(Source) - Returned by openal_source_create().

Predefined Constants

The constants below are defined by this extension, and will only be available when the extension has either been compiled into PHP or dynamically loaded at runtime.


Context Attribute

ALC_REFRESH (integer)

Context Attribute

ALC_SYNC (integer)

Context Attribute

AL_FREQUENCY (integer)

Buffer Setting

AL_BITS (integer)

Buffer Setting

AL_CHANNELS (integer)

Buffer Setting

AL_SIZE (integer)

Buffer Setting

AL_BUFFER (integer)

Source/Listener Setting (Integer)


Source/Listener Setting (Integer)


Source/Listener Setting (Integer)

AL_PITCH (integer)

Source/Listener Setting (Float)

AL_GAIN (integer)

Source/Listener Setting (Float)

AL_MIN_GAIN (integer)

Source/Listener Setting (Float)

AL_MAX_GAIN (integer)

Source/Listener Setting (Float)


Source/Listener Setting (Float)


Source/Listener Setting (Float)


Source/Listener Setting (Float)


Source/Listener Setting (Float)


Source/Listener Setting (Float)


Source/Listener Setting (Float)

AL_POSITION (integer)

Source/Listener Setting (Float Vector)

AL_VELOCITY (integer)

Source/Listener Setting (Float Vector)

AL_DIRECTION (integer)

Source/Listener Setting (Float Vector)


Source/Listener Setting (Float Vector)

AL_FORMAT_MONO8 (integer)

PCM Format

AL_FORMAT_MONO16 (integer)

PCM Format


PCM Format

AL_FORMAT_STEREO16 (integer)

PCM Format

AL_INITIAL (integer)

Source State

AL_PLAYING (integer)

Source State

AL_PAUSED (integer)

Source State

AL_STOPPED (integer)

Source State

AL_LOOPING (integer)

Source State

AL_TRUE (integer)

Boolean value recognized by OpenAL

AL_FALSE (integer)

Boolean value recognized by OpenAL

Table of Contents
openal_buffer_create --  Generate OpenAL buffer
openal_buffer_data --  Load a buffer with data
openal_buffer_destroy --  Destroys an OpenAL buffer
openal_buffer_get --  Retrieve an OpenAL buffer property
openal_buffer_loadwav --  Load a .wav file into a buffer
openal_context_create --  Create an audio processing context
openal_context_current --  Make the specified context current
openal_context_destroy --  Destroys a context
openal_context_process --  Process the specified context
openal_context_suspend --  Suspend the specified context
openal_device_close --  Close an OpenAL device
openal_device_open --  Initialize the OpenAL audio layer
openal_listener_get --  Retrieve a listener property
openal_listener_set --  Set a listener property
openal_source_create --  Generate a source resource
openal_source_destroy --  Destroy a source resource
openal_source_get --  Retrieve an OpenAL source property
openal_source_pause --  Pause the source
openal_source_play --  Start playing the source
openal_source_rewind --  Rewind the source
openal_source_set --  Set source property
openal_source_stop --  Stop playing the source
openal_stream --  Begin streaming on a source