(no version information, might be only in CVS)
print -- Output a string
print ( string arg)
Outputs arg. Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on failure.
print() is not actually a real function (it is a
language construct) so you are not required to use parentheses
with it.
Example 1. print() examples <?php
print("Hello World");
print "print() also works without parentheses.";
print "This spans
multiple lines. The newlines will be
output as well";
print "This spans\nmultiple lines. The newlines will be\noutput as well.";
print "escaping characters is done \"Like this\".";
// You can use variables inside of an print statement
$foo = "foobar";
$bar = "barbaz";
print "foo is $foo"; // foo is foobar
// Using single quotes will print the variable name, not the value
print 'foo is $foo'; // foo is $foo
// If you are not using any other characters, you can just print variables
print $foo; // foobar
print <<<END
This uses the "here document" syntax to output
multiple lines with $variable interpolation. Note
that the here document terminator must appear on a
line with just a semicolon no extra whitespace!
?> |
See also echo(), printf(),
and flush().